Tuesday 9 August 2011

We Saw Whales #2

Yesterday, we were sailing from Freshwater Bay to Port Clinton. Freshwater Beach, I saw from Seasprint, had dark brown sand. When we (the whole family) played on the beach, I saw that the sand was not dark, but had thousands of Soldier Crab spitballs. Dad showed us where to find Soldier Crabs (in little mounds of sand), told us that they don't nip you (that was the only thing that made me pick them up) and built a dam with Cameron.

On the way to Port Clinton, I was doing my schoolwork when Mum cried "Whales!" and everyone rushed to look. The whales were surrounded by a pod of dolphins that, whenever the whales went under, told us where to look for them next. Mum said "You shouldn't breathe in what they breathe out." which resulted in me calling one of them 'Mr. Stinky-Fish-Breath'.
The whales played with us for a while and, at one point, actually swam under the yacht. We could hear them blowing through their heads. After a while, they got bored of us and swam away.

Today, at Port Clinton, I was at the beach and Dad and Cameron were fishing. Just as I was getting bored, a pod of dolphins swam past. I followed them for a while then I saw a turtle. So all in all, a good time for sea-creature seeing.

1 comment:

TeamGuthrie said...

Not a bad day, Haydee. I think Isabella wants to be with you guys for a few months. Sounds great! And you do whale photographs much better than your Dad (yours are more lifelike). lol :)