Sunday 30 October 2011

Hinchinbrook = Serenity

Hinchinbrook waterfall and swimming hole
(Shane and the kids are at the base of the waterfall)
From Orpheus Island we moved on to Hinchinbrook Island, stopping in at Zoe Bay on the eastern side before zipping around the corner to enter the southern end of the Hinchinbrook Channel near Lucinda. Zoe Bay was recommended to us as a good lunchtime stop in calm weather and the guide books noted a swimming hole. We went ashore and, after a 15-minute bush walk, found a stunning waterfall and swimming hole where we spent a fantastic 2 hours swimming and basking. The Northern Territory seems to pride itself on its swimming holes; this one gives them a run for their money!

Hinchinbrook Island is remarkably rugged; the tops of the hills have had clouds sitting on them the whole time we've been here. As a result, the channel itself is protected from weather and the few days and nights we've spent anchored here so far have been beautifully calm. We've seen lots of small fishing boats zipping around off in the distance but you'd have to work hard to get within cooee of other people. As a result, my overall impression of Hinchinbrook is peaceful serenity - lovely!

Action Cam!
From Scraggy Point where we were anchored last night, we're ducking across the channel into Cardwell on the high tide today for bread, milk and water then onto Missionary Bay on the northern side of Hinchinbrook to investigate some of the creeks that run into the bay. We're expecting mozzies but are well-prepared having bug-proofed the boat with some flyscreen in a custom built frame Shane made and mosquito netting for hatches that I'm prototyping.

We're also getting ready for a small girl's 11th birthday in a few days! Shane and I suspect she's half expecting Hagrid to appear on a flying motorcycle and take her off to Hogwarts...

1 comment:

Grandma said...

What stunning Photos, what a great place.