Wednesday 13 July 2011

The big Tin Can and it's pet

Yesterday, we sailed from Noosa to Tin Can Bay, where we stayed overnight. This morning, we met a dog we called Lost because she was wondering around the Marina like she owned it. Cameron and I loved her; when we patted her, she would lie on our legs so we scratched her belly. When I stopped patting her and (tried to) keep walking, Lost would either get in my way or jump up on me. Luckily, she only came up to my knees or she would have knocked me over. In the end, I had to wait for her to roll over and then run as fast as I could.

1 comment:

Rachel Bushell said...

Im sure "Lost" would have loved to become the 5th adventurer on the Seasprint given half the chance. Hope you are all having a fantastic time. Stay safe!