Saturday 3 September 2011

Mountains of Mist-ery

At our anchorage in Keswick Island (near Mackay), we had some very peculiar weather. Fog and low hanging clouds obscured our view of the surrounding mountaintops. Every now and then the mists brought with them rain and drizzle.

The rain however, didn’t ruin our fun. Boogie-boarding behind the dinghy is a popular sport and I already know how to steer myself. It’s fun to lean to one side and feel myself turn; except for when I leant too far and fell off my board.

Another favourite is ‘Boogie Balancing’ where I stand up on my board and balance myself on the outer side of the toe rail. I walk around the length of Seasprint, and if I lose my balance, my board will fall out from under me. If I’m lucky, I will be able to drag it back under me and regain my balance, if not then my board floats away and I hang there until I can’t grip the toe rail any longer. Then I just have to splash into the water.

Luckily for me, the water is usually rather warm (I think it was, once, 20.7o) ensuring that I can just about swim whenever I want, the only down side being that it is quite windy so I’m normally cold afterwards.

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